[Facil] [Fwd: [Announce] Gpg4win 1.0.0 released]

Fabian Rodriguez mailinglists at FabianRodriguez.com
Ven 7 Avr 08:51:12 EDT 2006


Ci-joint l'annonce de GPG4Win, un installateur incluant GnuPG et des
"plugins" pour Outlook, ainsi qu'un logiciel complet de messagerie
(Sylpheed Claws). Ceci facilitera sans doute l'accès au chiffrement et
signatures numériques pour les utilisateurs Windows! -

Il y a qqs. années, j'avais organisé WinPT, un projet similaire que j'ai
abandonné, préférant me concentrer sur Enigmail + Mozilla Thunderbird
(car multi-plateforme + libre) et suite aux difficultés rencontrées
(temps, coordination). Et puis je n'utilisais plus WinPT alors... Un
petit morceau d'histoire:

Je ferais une "review" un peu plus poussée sur mon blog d'ici qqs. jours.


Fabian Rodriguez

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Announce] Gpg4win 1.0.0 released
Date: 	Fri, 07 Apr 2006 13:56:17 +0200
From: 	Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
To: 	gnupg-announce at gnupg.org
CC: 	gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.de


After struggling for 6 month with Windows pecularities, we are finally
pleased to announce the *first stable release of Gpg4win*, version 1.0.0!

The gpg4win project aims at updating the gpg4win Windows installation
package with GnuPG encryption tool, associated applications and
documentation on a regular basis.  Especially the documentation
(handbooks "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker") are directly maintained as
part of the gpg4win project.

It is an international project. Due to the origin of the project the
German language is fully supported.  As of now the the handbooks are
only available in German.  People helping with translations are very

The main difference compared to all other similar approaches (mainly
GnuPP, GnuPT, Windows Privacy Tools and GnuPG-Basics) is that the
first thing developed was the *gpg4win-Builder*. This builder allows
to easily create new gpg4win.exe installers with updated components.

The builder runs on any decent Unix system, preferable Debian
GNU/Linux.  Almost all products are automatically cross-compiled for
integration into the installer.

With this concept it is hoped to *prevent quick aging of the*
*installer package*. This is due to easier updating and less
dependancy on single developers.

For installation instuctions, please visit http://www.gpg4win.org or
read on.

Developers who want to *build an installer* need to get the following
files from http://wald.intevation.org/projects/gpg4win/ :

  gpg4win-1.0.0.tar.bz2 (4.0M)

The second file is a digital signature of the the first file.  Either
check that this signature is fine or compare with the checksums given
below.  (see also http://www.gnupg.org/download/integrity_check.html)

The *ready to use installer* is available at:

  http://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win-1.0.0.exe  (6.8M)

Or using the ftp protocol at:

  ftp://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win/gpg4win-1.0.0.exe  (6.8M)

SHA1 and MD5 checksums for these files are given below.

A separate installer with the the sources used to build the above
installer is available at:

  ftp://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win/gpg4win-src-1.0.0.exe  (40M)

Most people don't need this source installer; it is merely stored on
that server to satisfy the conditions of the GPL.  In general it is
better to get the gpg4win builder tarball (see above) and follow the
instructions in the README to build new installers; building the
installer is not possible on Windows machines and works best on
current Debian GNU/Linux systems (we use the mingw32 package from

SHA1 checksums are:

9525bb4947c02a764948cfe8d78f5400e39afc14  gpg4win-1.0.0.tar.bz2
c0ccd90c9aec23447bcd883cfd0602712967cfc6  gpg4win-1.0.0.exe
9c0bac7627a91ccbddd4dbdab522020b5ac91fe9  gpg4win-src-1.0.0.exe

MD5 checksums are:

73d5f8e8c7e805fbf43075c6c6c09901  gpg4win-1.0.0.tar.bz2
299fa8567a484ea32706b11d318dbe9a  gpg4win-1.0.0.exe
99f941d5d07b7c6e6860e490a081d1e7  gpg4win-src-1.0.0.exe

We like to thank the authors of the included packages, the NSIS
authors, all other contributors and first of all, those folks who
stayed with us and tested the early releases of gpg4win.

Happy hacking,

  Jan, Marcus, Timo and  Werner

Werner Koch                                      <wk at gnupg.org>
The GnuPG Experts                                http://g10code.com
Free Software Foundation Europe                  http://fsfeurope.org
Join the Fellowship and protect your Freedom!    http://www.fsfe.org

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