[Facil] Témoignage

Valerie Dagrain vdagrain at free.fr
Jeu 8 Juin 13:50:50 EDT 2006


Un membre d'ISOC Qc m'a fait suivre cet article, que je vous transmets ici:

Microsoft app squeals, Apple loses appeal
Helping you get in touch with your inner pirate
By Robert X. Cringely®
June 02, 2006


Microsoft app squeals, Apple loses appeal
Helping you get in touch with your inner pirate

By Robert X. Cringely®
June 02, 2006E-mail  E-mail
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Cringester David S. was not pleased when a recent “critical” Windows 
Update asked him to sign a click-wrap EULA so it could install beta 
software on his PC. Apparently he was one of several lucky XP owners 
picked at random to try out Windows Genuine Advantage, an applet whose 
sole purpose is to detect pirated copies of Windows and nag you until 
you pony up for a legit one. According to the EULA, after WGA is on your 
system you’re not allowed to uninstall it. It phones home with 
information about your PC, which Microsoft may share with whomever it 
wishes. And if it breaks your computer, sorry, Charlie -- Microsoft has 
no obligation to support it. I knew Redmond had gotten into the spyware 
biz, but I hadn’t realized they meant that side of it.

suite à lire ici:

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