[Facil] Fwd: [MLUG] UBUNTU

Robin Millette robin at millette.info
Ven 20 Oct 18:12:28 EDT 2006


Leslie a résumé la présentation d'hier sur la liste du groupe
d'utilisateurs gnu/linux de Montréal. Je me permets de faire suivre ça

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leslie Satenstein <lsatenstein at yahoo.com>
Date: Oct 20, 2006 5:25 PM
Subject: [MLUG] UBUNTU
To: Montreal Linux Users Group <mlug at listserv.mlug.ca>

Last evening I attended a UBUNTU technical meeting that was rather
unique. It was unique because it turned out to address other issues
then technical.

There was around thirty of us in the room, and the first question
raised by the presenter was "Who has not used linux before?".  Only
three people raised their hands.  The second question asked was "Who
already runs UBUNTU?"  and 27 individuals raised their hands.

So the presentation became a kind of discussion about UBUNTU
philosophy for always insuring a forward update path, without the need
to ever reinstall. This philosophy differs with Red Hat/Fedora where a
new release means a new install.

That said, the conversation switched to Canonical and it's growth. It
is a growing company,with around 60 employees world wide.   At one
point discussion about support was discussed. Canonical expects to
earn its revenu from server support. It will be an honor system where
each server will cost around $500/yr for support. (This cost was
compared to XP Pro and MS OFFICE costs). Not too bad.

I brought up the point that small businesses usually have one server
and that small companies cannot afford the support fee. I indicated
that small companies may like to have a service contract that is
something like  $xx/mo for 10 hrs per month.  This idea was rejected.
It would be too costly to Canonical and they claimed that they could
not make money to survive that way, even though there was an insurance
fund of $10 million set aside for contingencies.

(My view is that if I as a 10hr / month client finds a bug, my bug is
the same as one that would originate from a $5000/yr client. To fix
either problem, requires the same back office effort, and all the
clients would be entitled to the fix.

The meeting went well, with 70percent of the evening spent describing
Canonical. For those who can wait, later this month (next week), a new
UBUNTU version will be out, UBUNTU wants to provide a new release
every 6 months.

I asked about roll back.  I indicated that I would like to undo a
faulty patch by rolling back one or two levels.  It can be done with
UBUNTU support, and it can be done by individuals, but there are no
guarantees.  This area is a definite weakness in all linuxes and it is
a curse on all versions.   It ended nicely, KUBUNTU and UBUNTU will
have a new release next week.


By the way, just before my writing the above blurb, I read the
following about UBUNTU (google gmail linux alert)

How Can Ubuntu Improve?

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Président de FACIL : http://facil.qc.ca/
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