[Facil] Apologies for lack of news

Etienne Robillard animelovin at gmail.com
Jeu 2 Sep 10:13:17 EDT 2010


I apologize for the lack of recent news. I have been busy working on
other projects and didn't had much time working on notmm recently.

This list will be relocated and managed by gthc.org eventually. You should
all receive an invitation to rejoin the new mailing-list, as time 
permits me to
add mailing-list support on gthc.org. I thought about exim, which is 
in Perl, and is included out-of-the box on many Linux distros.

As for notmm, the 0.4.2 release is pending and almost ready. This will 
be the last 0.4.x minor release until the 0.5.x branch switch. The 0.4.2 
release includes
a truck load of bug fixes, and several new enhancements, including much 
Satchmo support.

Also, notmm now has the capability to plug-in any Django-like project 
and is probably
a essential tool for customizing Django way beyond the initial web 
application design. I believe
the notmm project is a worthy development toolkit for Django and I'm 
so-far very well satisfied
with the current development state.

Moreover, the notmm toolkit now has a developer's handbook (generated 
with Sphinx)
available online in HTML format:


A bug tracker powered by Bugzilla was also added for peoples wishing to 
post bug tickets
about the notmm stuff:


Of courses all of this still needs lots of work. Any contributers can 
also register account
an account on Bugzilla if he/she's wishing to make a patch or a small 

At last, I decided that notmm, BlogEngine, LiveStore, and all that stuff 
should always remains
free. That is my initial goal (and still is) to provide quality-made 
components without restrictive
commercial licenses. 10 years experience with Free Software providers 
proved me this business model
makes senses to my business, the Green Tea Hackers Club. Further, I 
think open source solutions
are in most cases higher quality than many commercial vendors I've been 
working with. There's nothing I could be ever hiding from my customers 
with this strategy.  I want honest business relationships and this is 
how I believe open source solutions provide honesty to customers. 

Thanks and let software be free forever! :-)


Owner and kwalitee software developer

Green Tea Hackers Club



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