[FACIL] L'agence américaine DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) partage les logiciels libres qu'elle subventionne dans un nouveau "Open Catalog"

gabriel.cossette at gmail.com gabriel.cossette at gmail.com
Mer 12 Fév 09:35:12 EST 2014

Bonjour à tous!

Bonne nouvelle : l'agence américaine DARPA (Defense Advanced Research  
Projects Agency) a décidé de partager les logiciels libres qu'elle  
subventionne dans un nouveau "Open Catalog" :

"DARPA has invested in many programs that sponsor fundamental and applied  
research in areas of computer science, which have led to new advances in  
theory as well as practical software. The R&D community has asked about the  
availability of results, and now DARPA has responded by creating the DARPA  
Open Catalog, a place for organizing and sharing those results in the form  
of software, publications, data and experimental details."

"Making our open source catalog available increases the number of experts  
who can help quickly develop relevant software for the government," said  
Chris White, DARPA program manager. "Our hope is that the computer science  
community will test and evaluate elements of our software and afterward  
adopt them as either standalone offerings or as components of their  

News: http://www.darpa.mil/NewsEvents/Releases/2014/02/04.aspx
Open Catalog: http://www.darpa.mil/OpenCatalog/index.html

Bonne journée!

Gabriel Cossette
Coordonnateur de communautés sur les logiciels libres | Open Source  
Software Communities Coordinator
Technologies de l'information | Information Technology
Services partagés Canada | Parcs Canada
Shared Services Canada | Parks Canada
3, passage du Chien-d'Or, Québec (Québec)  G1R 4V7
gabriel.cossette at spc-ssc.gc.ca
Tél. | Tel.: 418 649-8163
Cell. | Cell.: 418 254-8558
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada
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