[MLUG] net neutrality and videotron

nuitari-mlug at nuitari.net nuitari-mlug at nuitari.net
Sun Mar 1 12:28:25 EST 2009

> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/02/canadian-isps-stand-up-for-content-blocking-throttling.ars
> """
> One of the more interesting responses came from an ISP called
> Videotron, which told the CRTC that controlling access to content
> "peut être bénéfique non seulement pour les utilisateurs de services
> Internet mais pour la société en général"?that is, "could be
> beneficial not only to users of Internet services but to society in
> general."
> As examples of such benefits, Videotron mentioned the control of spam,
> viruses, and child pornography. It went on to suggest that graduated
> response rules?kicking users off the 'Net after several accusations of
> copyright infringement?could also be included as a benefit to society
> in general.

As examples of such benefits, Videotron mentioned the control of music,
preservation of its store chains, and control over their existing 
business model. It went on to suggest that graduated
response rules?kicking users off the 'Net after several accusations of
copyright infringement?could also be included as a benefit to out bottom 
line in general.

Here fixed it for you.

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