[MLUG] netbooks / laptops

Yannick Gingras ygingras at ygingras.net
Wed Mar 11 10:58:00 EDT 2009

On Wednesday 11 March 2009, Alex Bedard wrote:
> I tried one, but what I find annoying is that unless you use the default
> limited linux distro, if you use a regular distro like Debian or Ubuntu,
> the resolution is so low that it cuts off the bottom of some unresizeable
> windows, like say you go in Evolution under tools->options, you can't see
> the bottom of the window to go click OK or Cancel. Of course you can grab
> the window by doing ctrl-alt-click and moving it up, but it's pretty
> annoying.

I'm typing this on a EEE 1000 HE that I got from Microbytes.  I'm
running plain Kubuntu 8.10 and only 2 ago I was running the same
distribution on an MSI Wind.  I have absolutely no problem with apps
that are won't fit the screen.  I bond a keyboard shortcut to
"fullscreen" in kwin and that's it.

I have to mention that the keyboard on the 1000 HE is real damn great.
It's sharp and crisp without being too small.  A bit like the
keyboards on thinkpads but even more tactile.

Yannick Gingras
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