[MLUG] netbooks / laptops

David Montminy david.montminy at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 18:46:19 EST 2009

Jeremy wrote:
> Waiting for the debian report, but seriously, this is a super sweet OS 
> for the eee http://www.eeebuntu.org/ I have the NBR version on my first 
> gen model and it runs beautifully, and hey, it looks beautifully too :) 
> It is a 'real' (full) ubuntu 8.10 install, with a custom kernel and 
> various patches to make stuff work (they just pinned the important stuff 
> and added a ppa repo). The NBR version uses the nice netbook interface 
> (takes some getting used to, but I like it on small screens).
> At the least, I would say give it spin as a liveUSB distro.
> Jeremy
Did you try the Netbook Launcher on eeebuntu? What do you think of it?

I use Gnome-Do for almost everything but I'm curious if the Launcher
works great...

David Montminy

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