[MLUG] netbooks / laptops

Yannick Gingras ygingras at ygingras.net
Sun Mar 8 11:50:13 EDT 2009

On Saturday 07 March 2009, hendrik at topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> > BTW, both debian and ubuntu have great wiki pages about it. Also, pretty
> > much everything is covered at http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ .
> There's not a lot of information yet about experience with the 1000HE.

Anyone knows if the wi-fi run with the free software ath9k driver?  If
you managed to have the 1000HE running on GNU/Linux, it would be most
helpful if you can report that the output of the following command is:

  sysctl kernel.tainted

I'm seriously considering getting a 1000HE before Libre Planet.

Yannick Gingras
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