[MLUG] netbooks / laptops

David Montminy david.montminy at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 19:59:51 EST 2009

hendrik at topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> Interesting.  But the one question I have about eeebuntu is: how free is 
> it?  The web page you refer to mentions a custom kernel.  So to get the 
> most out of the eeepc, have they provided various binary blobs to 
> drive the hardware?  Are we going to have trouble a few years hence, if 
> there's no truly open source version of those binary blobs?

That modified kernel is available at:
And the GIT repository is at: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/source-git.html

The main difference in that kernel is making sure the drivers released
by ASUS are included (they were distributed as source for an older
kernel if I remember correctly)

David Montminy

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