[MLUG] Carpooling to Libre Planet

Yannick Gingras ygingras at ygingras.net
Sun Mar 8 13:33:22 EDT 2009

Greetings Pasacal,

On Sunday 08 March 2009, Pascal Charest wrote:
> After some strong negotiation, I'll be going to Libre Planet... my
> girlfriend will be tagging along (well, visiting Boston - not really the
> free-software type) and she does have a car...
> We can go through MTL for you Yannick ;-). Think I know a fourth person
> (also in MTL) interested, but if he desist, I'll advertise the place (or if
> Yannick doesn't trust me ;-)).

I don't really trust you but you are my only hope so far.  I'll gulp
on my trusty flask and try not to thing about the fact that you are at
the wheel.


Keep me posted with your schedule.  You will be leaving on Friday?
Saturday morning would make it really early for you if you come from

Yannick Gingras
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