[MLUG] Cloud Computing

spam spammer nospamormorespam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 17:01:13 EDT 2011

1. Why is m$ dropping the .net thing?
2. The idea behind promoting the cloud, is simply to squeeze more money out
of consumers, an attempt to get people to pay for everything, again.
3. Current news will definitely have a direct impact on what corporate
decision makers *BELIEVE* about the internet.
4. Today's older decision makers no very little about things IT... They just
know they need it/them.
5. The "cloud" users now, the faster the bubble will burst.

Remember, why is it called cloud? Where was the "cloud" situated on those
explanatory diagrams? Whom were those diagrams for?
Personally, I think that MORE sysadmins (whether from Hell or not) will be
required as corporations and even small enterprises realise once more, if
you want something done right, do it yourself. So they'll want their data of
*ALL* types under their control, not subject to the vagaries of another
company that is subject to outside influences... Because more and more,
industrial secrets are top priority.
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