[MLUG] Cloud Computing

spam spammer nospamormorespam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 17:03:15 EDT 2011

EEK! corrected version!

On 5 April 2011 17:01, spam spammer <nospamormorespam at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Why is m$ dropping the .net thing?
> 2. The idea behind promoting the cloud, is simply to squeeze more money out
> of consumers, an attempt to get people to pay for everything, again.
> 3. Current news will definitely have a direct impact on what corporate
> decision makers *BELIEVE* about the internet.
> 4. Today's older decision makers know very little about things IT... They
> just know they need it/them.
> 5. The "cloud" users now, the faster the bubble will burst.
> Remember, why is it called cloud? Where was the "cloud" situated on those
> explanatory diagrams? Whom were those diagrams for?
> Personally, I think that MORE sysadmins (whether from Hell or not) will be
> required as corporations and even small enterprises realise once more, if
> you want something done right, do it yourself. So they'll want their data of
> *ALL* types under their control, not subject to the vagaries of another
> company that is subject to outside influences... Because more and more,
> industrial secrets are top priority.
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